Holding the Light
Holding the Light
Holly MacKenzie: Surviving My Only Sibling
Losing a sibling often changes the way you view your existence in the world. Brothers and sisters are the keepers of childhood memories, and are expected to be part of your future. Holly MacKenzie lost her big sister, and only sibling, to suicide, 20 years ago. In this week's podcast, she returns to those early, difficult days as a teenager navigating grief, and shares what she has learned about the lifetime of healing that follows. She and Colby connect on a very personal level, as only surviving siblings can do.
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Holding the Light is an original, monthly podcast created and hosted by Monica and Colby Charette, edited and produced by Monica Charette, with support from Julia Vigue and Sophia Speeckaert. EMAIL US (shineoncass@gmail.com) with questions, comments, or a request to join us as a guest. We also welcome you to visit us at ShineOnCass (www.shineoncass.org) where our family continues to Shine the Light of Cassidy.
Our podcast’s theme music is As Long As You Love (Scarlet Wings) written and sung by Cindy Bullens, from the album Somewhere Between Heaven and Earth produced by Blue Lobster Records (1999). Available on CD or download at www.cidnybullens.com. Mention Holding the Light Podcast and receive a signed copy!
We want to hear from YOU. Leave us a voicemail! If there is something you’ve learned in your grief journey that might be helpful for others, we invite you to leave us a message. We will listen to every one. Some might even be used in a future episode. You can also let us know what you think of our podcast, suggest a topic, or request to be a guest. The number to call and leave us a voicemail is: 617-302-7373. We can’t wait to hear from you!
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